self-branding assignment progress

1. Brainstorming and concept ideas
Before getting started with my self-branding assignment, I’ve made some revision to ask myself some
questions. It is to let me have a deeper understanding of myself :

        - what principle I have 
I did actually have some principles when comes to design and life. As in I believe that 
nobody is perfect, what matters is the journey. Sometimes, we may think our shortcomings is
that bad, but sometimes this “shortcoming” helped us, as in protecting ourselves, maybe?
Therefore, I usually would not take one’s shortcoming as a big matter, instead, I would feel the
shortcoming is a potential to let everyone eye-opened. Another principle of mine in design is
that each project or works are actually storytelling of mine, my daily lives, the issue I’m
struggling with, my habits and many more. Each of the projects reflecting who am I, as an
ordinary girl and as an designer. However, I also believe that observation always gives an
answer. It is because I’ve encountered with issues that freaked me out to think an idea, and
from the process, I realized what I’m doing --- observing every day, is actually giving me an
answer to create ideas.  

        - what is my good & bad
I’ve always asked and doubt at myself on my good and shortcomings. I realized I’m actually a
person who is not good at FA, as in I will miss out some minor mistakes. Sometimes, I feel bad
and keep trying to change this shortcoming of mine. Each time after I have done with any
project, I’m checking the details and FA at least at 5 times but not 2 times (double-check).
However, after I confirmed there’s no mistake and passed it to my supervisor or person in
charge, there’s always some details or FA mistakes again. It usually will let people feel I’m
careless but what they do not know is that I really did keep checking before I submitted. On
the contrary, I’m able to think of the ideas and visualize as well as managing the project, as in
the whole sight including the future site of the project. There, I realize, I am actually more
suitable to be idea thinkers, with solutions and plannings to ensure the quality of the projects.
Meanwhile, I noticed each project I’ve done indeed have a concept idea behind. It is like the
storytelling of each concept idea instead of just blindly make design for a project. I love to
conceptualize or create an idea with a strong concept behind each project. 

        - who I want to be in the future / what do I want to do in the future
Of course, dreams are big and it is not easy to achieve. However, I would set a goal to
motivate myself, encouraging myself to work harder and reach my goals. I wanted to be a
creative director or the co-founder of a design house, hoping to lead my group of members to
create stunning projects. “Sometimes reality is cruel, but that reality is what keeping you
strong”, said Kurosora. I knew if I wanted to be a creative director or a boss of a design house,
I must learn from basics too, as in working started from a basic position. Therefore, I told
myself I must strike my goals step by step. I’ve come across with a video which I found
interesting and totally agreed with it. It was a university student giving a speech on graduation
day. His speech named “No regrets in the 16th second”. His message was the need to focus
on the relationships that matter in our lives because, without those connections, celebratory
moments have less meaning. Everything in our lives must have a balance even if we wanted
to achieve our goals. What I understand from life is that It’s not only about achieving our goals
in career, but what matters is also the life balance. In the meantime we achieving our goals,
we must not neglect the life balance, as in our relationship between people, family, and friends.
If we failed on one side, it is not a success. 

          - outstanding creative directors
  a) Susan Credle, Global Chief Creative Officer, FCB.
The iconic M&M’S “human” and for the Allstate’s “Mayhem” campaign was her work
and she was inducted into the AAF's Hall of Achievement and recently was named a
Matrix honoree by New York Women in Communications. (Dan, 2017)

  b) David Droga, Creative Chairman and Ted Royer, Chief Creative Officer, Droga5.
He is the single-most-awarded creative at the Cannes Lions, and the youngest person
inducted into the Art Directors Club Hall of Fame. (Dan, 2017)

  c) Jeff Kling, Chief Creative Officer, Fallon Group.
The Dos Equis "The Most Interesting Man In The World" campaign, and Nike's "Write
The Future", EA, Miller High Life (for which he collaborated with Oscar-winner
documentary director Errol Morris), Jaguar, Arby’s and H&R Block is his representative
work. (Dan, 2017)

  b) Rob Reilly, Global Creative Chairman, McCann. 
State Street’s “Fearless Girl” statue on Wall Street and Lockheed Martin’s virtual reality
“Field Trip to Mars,” Cigna and Nespresso is her famous work. (Dan, 2017)

         - design thinking in the design industry
Design Thinking provides a solution-based approach to solving problems. It is not only an
exclusive property for designers, but it is applicable in literature, art, music, science,
engineering, and business. It is useful in tackling problems that are unknown by reframing
the problem to find a solution. (YU SIANG TEO, 2020). It requires lots of brainstorming session.
Ranging from sketching, prototyping, testing, and trying out concepts and ideas, to come out
with the best solution or idea. However, to go through these stages, there is a phase to guide
through the process (YU SIANG TEO, 2020) :

a) Empathise - with the users
b) Define - user need, problems, insights
c) Ideate - challenging assumptions and creating ideas for innovating solutions
d) prototype - start to create a solution 
e) Test - solutions

Think outside the box can provide an innovative solution to problems. Therefore, there is a job
position called “creative director”. This position mainly is to help figure out how the work will
ive in the world, that is, how real people will experience the campaign. In the meantime, sort
out a creative idea or execution, being out of the box. These are what we should expect from
a creative director. (John Kovacevich, 2015)

1.1 Self-branding concept Ideas mind mapping
After I have an answer on what I wish to be in the future and have a deeper understanding of myself, I
started to have a brainstorming session on the self-branding ideas. Using mind mapping, it indeed
helps me a lot in generates ideas. 

1.2 Art Direction References & Moodboard
In order to have some visualization on the whole self-branding project, I did some research on
references. I prefer the styles in more hand-drawn feel with organic shapes. It is a style that I wanted
to explore. 





1.3 Portfolio list ( that I wanted to put)
Before getting deeper into the logo design, I have made a list of portfolio I wished to put inside my
portfolio website. It is to let me have a clear mind with what am I doing and what things to be done next

Portfolios :
- missing (conceptual & ideas awareness campaign)
- pimple revolution (conceptual self-branding)
- naked (conceptual publication)
- eagg (concept & ideas branding)
- shooting star (concept & ideas branding)
- naga ddb collaboration project (conceptual CNY campaign)
- monsterbin (conceptual & ideas awareness campaign)
- manglish (web design)
- shoot the monster (interactive game)
- poker cards (illustrations)


2. Logo
The logo I decided to create is towards the direction of more fun and includes my principle in design
and life as logo are used to identify. It is one aspect of a company’s commercial brand or an
individual’s entity. (Jacob Cass, 2009). What the logo represents is indeed more important than what it
looks like. Therefore, I’m trying hard to create a logo that is also based on my principles or
perspectives in design and life.

2.1 Logo progress (sketches) 
To start with the logo design, I have tried out some sketches of the logo and goes for the next step to
put it on digital. 

2.2 Logo progress (font trial and error) 
After done with the sketches, I felt I have a rough idea of how the logo will look like. Hence, I go for
the next step and start to search for fonts that may suit my logo. There are trial and error to test
whether it is suitable for the logo.

2.3 Logo progress (experimenting)
After search and try lots of fonts, I felt it is not what I wanted. I wanted something that is more
relevant to the feel I wanted. Therefore, in order to instil the concepts I wanted to be included in my
logo, I started to experiment with distortion. Starting from a basic font, then do some experiment on
the font to achieve what I want. 

2.4 Logo progress (the logo & meaning behind) 
After done with the experiment, I’ve decided the logo to present to everyone. Yet, each details design
represents a concept and meaning behind. Lecturer comment on the logo was good, can continue
with the development of its colour choices and colour variables. 

The idea of this logo is as: 
    a) curly/uneven surface
It represents no one is perfect, what matters is the process and journey. I take the journey as
each of my storytelling in design. I design things through my expressions, as in telling my life
was not perfect but I enjoyed it a lot with full of ups and downs. Meanwhile, the imperfection is
like a room for improvements, it’s an opportunity for learning.

    b) comma icon
“CHAO” is my surname. A comma icon was inert in my logo to reflects my other principle too.
Which is, never over satisfied with ourselves. There is always more space to let us have an
improvement. It’s like never-ending stories, and many possibilities are going to be realized.
For example CHAO, the creator. CHAO, the idea thinkers etc. It’s to expand the possibilities
in the future. 

2.5 Logo progress (colour choices) 
After confirming with the logo, I have listed down some colour choices for the logo. The idea is to
show my passion for design and making a contrasting feeling. The final colour choices I’ve chosen
is a brilliant red and nude colours. The nude colour is to represent my calm appearance when people
first saw me. As for the brilliant red colour is to show the passion inside my heart, as in “don’t judge a
book by its cover”.   

2.6 Logo progress (colour variables) 
After the colour choices were confirmed, I continue with the colour variables, as in how I want my logo
to be presented and the possibilities to use in different background. I did 4 colour variables, ranging
from the basic black and white till the colour choices I’ve chosen. 

2.7 Logo progress (final outcome)
This is the final outcome of the logo, with uneven surface and textures on it as well as a comma icon
after the logo. It is to show the endless possibilities and my principles in life and design.


3. Resume
After done with the logo, we are required to create our own resume. Resume is important to everyone that finds a job. It’s more than just a document , it provides valuable insight as in outlining our background, skills, and education in order to let employers review our profile easily. (ginger, 2020).

3.1 Resume progress (contents mind mapping)
A good resume is always beneficial to us in our career. It reflects our professional image. (Khare, 2016). Therefore, before starting with a resume, I’ve made a brainstorming session using mind mapping to show what content should be included in a resume for myself. 

3.2 Resume progress (contents copy writings summary)
After having a rough idea on what contents should be included in the resume. I summarized the content with more details to ease my working process.

   a) Profile 
       - Name
       - About me (who am I, introduce myself)
       - Contact (email, phone number, address)
       - Education (name of school, year ends, certificate) 
       - Spm, uec, diploma, degree

   b) skills
       - Technical skills 
> Adobe (dw, ai, id, ps, lr)
> Microsoft (word, excel, powerpoint)

       -  Interpersonal skills (what soft skills i have)
> Team work
> Communication
> Patience
> Listening
> Willing to learn

    c) Awards 
       - Name (awards name, project name)
       - Category
       - gold/silver/bronze or others?

    d) Experiences
       - Intern (what projects, what position, what involved)
       - Freelance (clients name, what service)

3.3 Resume progress (things to pay attention when writing a resume)
Before getting started to write the resume, I did some research on things that needed to pay attention in order to avoid mistakes. 

Things to pay attention: 
- Creativity & design
- Simple & easy to read 
- Straight to point but not storytelling
- Double check
- Unnecessary contents (interest that is not relatable to design, results of education)
- Proficiency with numbers (percentage)
- graphs , charts
- Make your resume immaculate
(Monster Career Advice, 2020)

3.4 Resume progress (experimenting)
After confirming the contents, I started to experiment with different layout design of resume. 

After I finished the first round of my resume, the lecturer suggested that I remove the “interest” part because it may not relate so much to design. Thus, the layout needs to have some changes too and I continue to experiment more. 

On the second progress, the lecturer commented that the contents are okay but just need to continue with the layout design. I felt there are parts that can be improved. Hence, I continue to experiment with the layout.

On the third round of progress, the lecturer commented that the font kerning can be smaller as it’s a bit too wide. Besides, one thing to pay attention to is also the verbs used in resumes, which it was recommended to not repeat the same verb in the same resume. 

3.5 Resume progress (final outcome)
After having a few corrections, I’ve done the final resume and it was approved by the lecturer too. Throughout the progress, I’ve learned some tips on writing a good resume. It was indeed a progress that gained so much knowledge too


4. Cover letter
Before getting started to write a cover letter, I’ve done some research on the importance of a cover letter. Cover letter is actually the first thing that hiring managers see when they pick up our resume from tons of applications. (Live Career, 2020). It shows how we are qualified for the job by giving a good telling that demonstrates our skills and experiences. (Glassdoor Guide: How to Write a Cover Letter, 2020). Therefore, it is important to write a good quality cover letter. It can be thought as another way that why should they hire me instead of the others? Or what’s my unique point that convinced them to hire me? Thus, soft skills and hard skills should be included in our cover letter too.

4.1 Cover letter progress (what need to pay attention on cover letter)
After I realized the importance of writing a cover letter, I felt it is important to present a good quality cover letter. Therefore, I’ve also done some research on things I need to pay attention to when writing a cover letter.

Points to pay attention when writing cover letter:
- including hiring manager’s name
- mention the job or position we are applying for
- highlight the right experiences, do not write experiences that are not related
- Keep our final words/conclusion short and sweet instead of long paragraphs
- triple check our writings 
(The Muse Editor, 2020)

4.2 Cover letter progress (contents draft)
To start with the cover letter, I summarized and wrote a content draft. After it was shown to the lecturer, it is good to continue with the development of the layout design. 

4.3 Cover letter progress (layout experimenting)
After done with the contents that need to be included in the cover letter. I started to design the layout and experimenting with it. I felt it could be better if the background of the cover letter is white as the lecturer mentioned that the cover letter best to have a white background. 


4.4 Cover letter progress (final outcome)
As what was mentioned before is the background of the cover letter is better to be in white.
Thus, I’ve made the correction and this will be the final cover letter. I can feel there is more knowledge and tips were gained during the process. 


Dan, A., 2017. The 14 Creative Directors You Should Have On Your Speed Dial. [online] Forbes. Available at: <> [Accessed 6 May 2020].

YU SIANG TEO, 2020. What Is Design Thinking And Why Is It So Popular?. [online] The Interaction Design Foundation. Available at: <> [Accessed 6 May 2020].

John Kovacevich, 2015. 12 Things You Should Expect From A Creative Director. [online] Medium. Available at: <> [Accessed 20 April 2020].

Jacob Cass, 2009. Vital Tips For Effective Logo Design — Smashing Magazine. [online] Smashing Magazine. Available at: <> [Accessed 6 May 2020].

ginger, 2020. #1 Grammar And Spell Checker. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 9 May 2020].

Khare, S., 2016. Why Having A Good Resume Is More Important Than You Think. [online] CAREERBRIGHT. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 May 2020].

Live Career, 2020. What Is The Purpose Of A Cover Letter? | Livecareer. [online] LiveCareer. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 May 2020].

Glassdoor Blog. 2020. Glassdoor Guide: How To Write A Cover Letter. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 8 May 2020].

The Muse Editor, 2020. How To Write A Cover Letter: The Best Advice Ever. [online] The Muse. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 May 2020].
