work placement 4

Work Placement 4 (3/3/2020)
Another day of outdoor video shooting sessions. Remaining the same, I’m the main photographer
and videographer for the projects. According to the schedule we proposed, the task will be done
today is another 2 videos. 

During the shooting process, it was a struggle due to the limited equipment as we wanted to make
fake rain moments. Although the day was sunny and we struggled during the process, we managed
to finish it. Also, I’ve learned some extra abilities on video shooting, which is using things to fix my
camera position. It will strengthen the stability of the camera. 

What I wish for the outcome of the project was a series of videos with the same art direction and
mood feeling. Therefore, the reference I found and the direction I managed remains the same. 


Figure 1,2,3,4 : references of mood and feeling on shooting project

Figure 5,6 : references of tagline input at the end of video

Outcome of today’s video shooting:

 Figure 7 : video shoot outcome of waterproof Figure 8 : video shoot outcome of luggage wheel

 Figure 9,10 : video shoot outcome of waterproof
 Figure 11,12 : video shoot outcome of waterproof

Shooting process:

 Figure 13,14 : shooting in progress

 Figure 15,16 : shooting in progress

 Figure 17,18 : how to make fake rain drops
