work placement 2
Work Placement 2 (23/2/2020)
From the short video shooting project, my position is the main photographer and videographer. Sue
Ann and I are the responsible for the video shooting and sometimes I will be the model in the video
Ann and I are the responsible for the video shooting and sometimes I will be the model in the video
1. Position: main photographer, model in the video (sometimes)
2. Job scope: decide the shooting angle, manage the quality of the video, video shoot,
photoshoot and be the model in the video sometimes
We have arranged a shooting session on 23/2/2020 at MRT SUNGAI BULOH. I used my camera in
the whole video shooting session. Before the video shooting, I have done some research and found
some references. During the shooting process, it was fun and more new things to learn. However, the
partners of IKII requested for a few more videos to feature the luggage function. And it went a bit
messy which we need to recall what video should we shoot first. Therefore, we created a checkpoint
list of videos that need to be shot. The list was written by Zhi En, one of our teammates.
the whole video shooting session. Before the video shooting, I have done some research and found
some references. During the shooting process, it was fun and more new things to learn. However, the
partners of IKII requested for a few more videos to feature the luggage function. And it went a bit
messy which we need to recall what video should we shoot first. Therefore, we created a checkpoint
list of videos that need to be shot. The list was written by Zhi En, one of our teammates.
Checkpoint list:
Figure 1,2,3,4 : references of mood and feeling on shooting project
Figure 5,6 : references of tagline input at the end of video
Outcome of today’s video shooting:
Figure 7 : video shoot outcome of luggage flexibility Figure 8 : video shoot outcome of luggage smart lock
Figure 9,10 : video shoot outcome of luggage smart alarm alert
Shooting process:
Figure 11,12 : video shooting in process
Figure 13 : acting in the video shooting
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