activity 1

Activity 1


     1.  Seeking perfection at a particular task or job is achievable. However, the goal of being
perfect in life is altogether a different story. Humans aren't perfect where we have emotions,
personalities and many more. Therefore, I would like to discuss the weaknesses first.
Sometimes, weakness isn’t a shameful thing where it could be a skill too. I would say my
weakness is I’m “too flexible” with anything that it would let some people grant from me. The
biggest problem is that I would feel this is an order that I hope there wouldn't be any quarrel
between this because I’m tired of getting involved with wrangles. However, if it is over my limit,
I would stand up against myself to protect myself but it would not always be. Another weakness
is leadership, where I’ve always tried so hard to learn these skills. In the industry, people who
have leadership are sought by employers to work alongside other people and persuade them
to make decisions that align with their ideas. (Penny Loretto, 2019). Coming to the strengths I
have, I would say having teamwork is my strength because to raise my visibility in the industry,
employers seek for people who know how to communicate as well as listen to work effectively
with everyone including co-workers, and clients. It is different between communication in our
daily lives and communication in work lives, where there are points that we might take note of
when we communicate in working lives. I’ve learned this skill through my internship program
last year that communication in work lives is different and that we need to understand how to
communicate with the clients or people without offending them. Besides, I believe everyone
has curiosity. Yet, whether we are willing to learn or search for the answer to what we are
curious about? Or just leave the curiosity there without taking any actions? Thus, I would say
this is one of my strengths in raising my visibility. During my internship, I’ve always researched
and asked questions when I have doubts and it leads me to improvement in skills and thinkings.
Furthermore, employees who can find solutions to daily challenges are more valuable to an
organization than those that find problems and no solutions. (Penny Loretto, 2019). Problem
solving and creativity is one of my strengths too when I’m in a team or working with people.
What I learned from it is that problems will always come and the key point is how do we solve
this problem in the best way.

Figure 1 : the 21st-century skills

From the 21st century skills which are also introduced as the QI skills (Dr. Laura Jana, 2018),
I’ve gained the skills of wobble, which I accept the comments from people and take it as advice
or a thought that can be referred to. Also, the adaptability to overcome and learn from failure,
because humans are not perfect in life. It is the point that we accept failure and make it as an
experience or advice. Besides, I learned the “me skills” and “we skills” that helps me in my
visibility in the industry. Self-management is always important to manage and control our
emotions. Either who we are, it is a need to control ourselves because it is also our impression
in the public. I’ve come across a channel called “what if” and it's my favourite channel that I
subscribe to gain my knowledge and imagination. Well, here, it is introduced as the “why skills
and what if skills”. I take it as an entertainment for myself during free time as I’m always
curious about anything and it will lead me to find the answer too. Figuring out how the world it
is and gaining a good mindset.  The way you look into things, the way you solve problems
makes big changes to everything. Therefore, I think this is why 21st-century skills are very
important these days. We can see Asian parents train their children at a very young age to
learn many skills. There is no right or wrong, whereas parents will think it is for their children’s
development. Yet, life balance is needed between these ages. Overpressure on the children
will make them worse as what they need at that age is actually to have a happy life and enjoy
their learning moments but not being forced. 

 3.        Well, in my opinion, different employers will have different criteria to hire a designer. 
However, there are some similarities between these criteria. For instance, a personality match
is really critical. What matters is the thoughtfulness with an occasional spark of brilliance.
Some employers would prefer their team to be diverse, as everyone’s strength is different
and the way they used the strength to make the team better. Besides, understanding cultural
relevance is important too. It’s not just producing, but what matters is the process and the
moments. The moments that we enjoy when we are pleasurable to collaborate with groups of
people and clear our goals. Other than that, the industry now is looking for people who are
passionate, as in passionate with everything they do but not like being forced. In my thoughts,
I felt it is because passion really makes a difference in the outcome of the project. When we
are passionate about doing something, the willingness of learning and execution is so much
higher than being forced. It will make the outcome better and more interesting. Time
management is significant in the design industry too. As the project is based on teamwork,
communication and time management can affect the outcome. It is because it may affect other
workers' time and the schedule of clients. 

Penny Loretto, 2019. The Top 12 Soft Skills Employers Seek. [online] The Balance Careers.
Available at: <>
[Accessed 18 April 2020].

Dr. Laura Jana, 2018. QI Skills - Dr. Laura Jana. [online] Dr. Laura Jana.
Available at: <> [Accessed 18 April 2020].
